property ls

Accessor for Objectiv location stack data. All methods of json and objectiv can also be accessed with this accessor. Same as location_stack

class LocationStack


property feature_stack

: modelhub.series.series_objectiv.SeriesLocationStack

Returns the feature stack from the location stack. The context objects only contain the _type and a id key.


(type, key, dtype='string')

Returns the value of key from the first context in an Objectiv stack where _type matches type. :param type: the _type to search for in the contexts of the stack. :param key: the value of the key to return of the context with matching type. :param dtype: the dtype of the series to return. :returns: a series of type dtype

property navigation_features

Returns the navigation stack from the location stack.

property nice_name

: bach.series.series_string.SeriesString

Returns a nice name for the location stack. This is a human readable name for the data in the feature stack.