
Core Tracker is mainly responsible for finalizing Events and Queueing them for Transport.


This is a Core module meant to be used by contributors writing their own Trackers or Plugins.
We heavily discourage using Core modules directly. Use General APIs, Location Taggers and Event Trackers instead.


Trackers can be initialized with a TrackerConfig object and, optionally, one or more ContextsConfig.

new Tracker(trackerConfig: TrackerConfig, ...contextConfigs: ContextsConfig[])

The instance will merge ContextsConfig in the correct order to produce valid LocationStack and GlobalContexts.


Tracker's own LocationStack and GlobalContexts will be added to every Event being tracked. This enables the creation of Tracker instances preconfigured with LocationStacks and/or GlobalContexts.

Plugins can also contribute to this process by adding more LocationStacks and/or GlobalContexts.



Optional, boolean. Defaults to true. Determines if trackEvent will process Events or not.


Optional, boolean. Defaults to false. While in anonymous mode some sensitive information is hashed or discarded.


Required, string.
Application identifier. Used to automatically generate ApplicationContext.


Optional, GlobalContexts.
Array of GlobalContext instances.


Optional, LocationStack.
Array of LocationContext instances.


Optional, TrackerQueue.
TrackerQueue instance. Responsible for queueing and batching Events.


Optional, string.
Unique identifier for the TrackerInstance. Defaults to the same value of applicationId.


Optional, TrackerTransport.
TrackerTransport instance. Responsible for sending Events.


Optional, TrackerPlugins.
Plugins will be executed when the Tracker initializes and before the Event is sent.


Optional. Whether to track ApplicationContext automatically. Enabled by default.

Default Plugins

Core Tracker comes preconfigured with the following plugins:

  • ApplicationContextPlugin



flushQueue(): void

Empties the TrackerQueue. Events that have not been sent yet will be permanently lost.


This method is usually combined with waitForQueue, to allow the TrackerQueue to finish sending Events.


setActive(newActiveState: boolean): void

Set the active property state. When state changes the Tracker will reinitialize Plugins, Transport and Queue.


setAnonymous(newAnonymousState: boolean): void

Set the anonymous property state.
When state changes the Tracker will reinitialize Plugins, Transport and Queue.


async trackEvent(event: TrackerEvent) => Promise<TrackerEvent>

The main entry point of the Tracker Instance:

  • Prepends given Event's LocationStack and GlobalContexts with the Tracker's LocationStack and GlobalContexts
  • Sets the Event's time attribute
  • Invokes all Plugins' enrich lifecycle method
  • Invokes all Plugins' validate lifecycle method
  • If Queue has been configured
    • Hands the Event over to Queue
  • Else if Transport has been configured
    • Hands the Event over to Queue
  • Depending on whether Queue and Transport have been configured, returns a Promise resolving to either
    • The Event itself
    • The Queued Event
    • The Transported Event


async waitForQueue(parameters?: { 
intervalMs?: number;
timeoutMs?: number
}): Promise<boolean>

Attempts to wait for TrackerQueue to be empty. This is usually invoked in combination with flushQueue when attempting to finish the Tracker's work before starting a new session.


typedefault valuedescription
optionalintervalMsboolean100How often to poll the TrackerQueue
optionaltimeoutMsboolean2 * QueueConfig.batchDelayMsFor how long to poll the TrackerQueue