Anonymous Tracking

Objectiv supports collecting privacy-friendly anonymized behavioral data, without setting any cookies. You can get all the first-party user behavior data you need to improve your product, while being fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA and PECR.

When anonymous mode is enabled in the Tracker SDK, all automatically gathered information gets anonymized:

  • Client-side, no cookies or any other storage will be set; and
  • Backend-side, all sensitive information is either hashed or discarded, such as the IP address and user-agent.

To be specific: in anonymous mode, an automatically generated identifier is used across the session’s requests for as long as the session lasts. If the user navigates away or refreshes/reloads the application, a new identifier will be generated, so they’re seen as a new user.

Of course, you could still persist this identifier in some way and use it in multiple sessions, while still tracking PII anonymously. Data is stored first-party, in your own data store.

Enabling anonymous tracking

See the Tracker SDKs for how to enable anonymous mode: