
Transports are composable instances with the ultimate goal of sending Events to the Collector.

They can receive both Events or Promises and share a very simple common interface.


export type TransportableEvent = TrackerEvent | Promise<TrackerEvent>;

export interface TrackerTransportInterface {
transportName: string;
isUsable(): boolean;
handle(...args: NonEmptyArray<TransportableEvent>): Promise<any>;



Required, string.
Used for logging messages and, in general, to uniquely identify this Transport.



isUsable(): boolean

Should return if the TrackerTransport can be used. Most useful in combination with Control Flow Transports.


async handle(...args: NonEmptyArray<TransportableEvent>): Promise<any>;

The main logic of the transport. Can either process one or more TransportableEvent or perform Control Flow logic.

Control Flow Transports

Not all Transports necessarily deliver messages to the Collector. They can also implement simple logic.


Forwards received TransportableEvents to all of its usable Transports.

This allows to send an Event to multiple Collectors, Collector + Logging, Collector + Storage, etc.

new TrackerTransportGroup({
transports: NonEmptyArray<TrackerTransportInterface>


Forwards received TransportableEvents to the first of its usable Transports.

This allows to implement preference logic between similar Transports, e.g. Fetch and XMLHttpRequest.

new TrackerTransportSwitch({
transports: NonEmptyArray<TrackerTransportInterface>


A TrackerTransport implementing exponential backoff retries.

new TrackerTransportRetry({
transport: TrackerTransportInterface,
maxAttempts?: number, // defaults to 10
maxRetryMs?: number, // defaults to Infinity
minTimeoutMs?: number, // defaults to 1000
maxTimeoutMs?: number, // defaults to Infinity
retryFactor?: number, // defaults to 2

With the standard defaults the maximum execution time of an Attempt is ~ 17 minutes.
1000 + 2000 + 4000 + 8000 + 16000 + 32000 + 64000 + 128000 + 256000 + 512000 = 1023000 ms or 17.05 mins

BrowserTracker example

The following is the default Transport of Browser Tracker.

A Switch preferring Fetch over XMLHttpRequest, wrapped in an exponential backoff Retry with default settings.

new TrackerTransportRetry({
transport: new TrackerTransportSwitch({
transports: [
new FetchAPITransport({ endpoint }),
new XMLHttpRequestTransport({ endpoint }),

If your Transport is too complex to structure with the Transports we offer, you can always opt to either create your custom ones or even provide your own entirely custom implementation.

In the following example we just create a Transport instance on the fly when making a new Tracker.

transport: {
transportName: 'AppCustomTransport',
isUsable: () => true,
handle: async (...args: NonEmptyArray<TransportableEvent>) => {
// Custom transport logic here