
Generates a <button> Element wrapped in a PressableContext.

TrackedButton: (props: {
objectiv?: {
id?: string,
waitUntilTracked?: boolean,
normalizeId?: boolean,
}) => <button>
  • When the id attribute is omitted, we attempt to infer it from one of the elements' native props: id, title, children.

If that fails, an error will be logged to the Developer Console and the original Component is rendered.


typedefault value
optionalidstringinferred from native id, title or children



Automatic Events

Usage example

import { TrackedButton } from '@objectiv/tracker-react';

<TrackedButton onClick={ () => doIt() }>
Do it

<TrackedButton onClick={ () => doIt() } title={'Do it'}>
<img src="/do-it.jpg"/>

<TrackedButton onClick={ () => doIt() } id={'do-it'}>
<img src="/button.jpg"/>

By default, all Tracked Elements automatically normalize their Context identifiers to a kebab-cased format.

This can be disabled via the normalizeId option:

import { TrackedButton } from '@objectiv/tracker-react';

<TrackedButton onClick={ () => doIt() } objectiv={{ normalizeId: false }}>
Do it

{/* Whenever inferring 'id' is not possible, we automatically look at `title` */}
<TrackedButton onClick={ () => doIt() } title={'Do it'} objectiv={{ normalizeId: false }}>
<img src="/do-it.jpg"/>

{/* Or `id`, either one will do the job */}
<TrackedButton onClick={ () => doIt() } id={'Do it'} objectiv={{ normalizeId: false }}>
<img src="/button.jpg"/>

Did you know ?

TrackedButton internally uses TrackedPressableContext.