
Optional plugin, for anyone using ReactNavigation, providing automatic tracking of RootLocationContext, PathContext, Screen listeners for Tabs and Drawers and an automatically tracked Link component.


yarn add @objectiv/plugin-react-navigation


npm install @objectiv/plugin-react-navigation

Configuring the Plugin

import { ObjectivProvider, ReactNativeTracker } from '@objectiv/tracker-react-native';
import { ContextsFromReactNavigationPlugin } from "@objectiv/plugin-react-navigation";

The plugin uses the NavigationContainerRef to automatically infer RootLocation and Path contexts. We can create one like so:

const navigationContainerRef = useNavigationContainerRef();

Then we can simply pass the ref to both the Plugin and the NavigationContainer:

applicationId: 'app-id',
endpoint: '',
plugins: [
new ContextsFromReactNavigationPlugin({ navigationContainerRef })

return (
<ObjectivProvider tracker={tracker}>
<NavigationContainer ref={navigationContainerRef}>
<RootNavigator />

TrackedLink is designed to be drop-in replacement of the original one.
This allows, if desired, to swap components at import level:

import { TrackedLink as Link } from "@objectiv/plugin-react-navigation";

It basically performs two main tasks:

  1. Wraps the original implementation in a LinkContext.
  2. Automatically attaches an onPress handler to track PressEvents.

TrackedLinks have the same props of regular Links. Here are some usage examples:

import { TrackedLink } from "@objectiv/plugin-react-navigation";

// LinkContext identifier is automatically inferred from the child Text
<TrackedLink to="/HomeScreen">

// TrackedLink API is identical to Link; we can also pass location as objects
<TrackedLink to={{ screen: 'Profile', params: { id: 123 } }}>

// A LinkContext identifier may also be manually specified via the `id` prop
<TrackedLink to="/HomeScreen" id="home">

Tracking Tabs & Drawers

The plugin comes with a generic makeLinkPressListener factory hook. This can be used for both Tabs and Drawers.

Tracking Tabs tabPress listener

In the following example we:

  • Wrap a BottomTab.Navigator in a NavigationContext.
  • Add tabPress listeners to BottomTab.Screen components and track them via makeLinkPressListener.
import { NavigationContextWrapper } from "@objectiv/tracker-react-native";
import { makeLinkPressListener } from "@objectiv/plugin-react-navigation";

<NavigationContextWrapper id={'bottom-tabs'}>
{(trackingContext) => (


listeners={({ navigation }) => ({
// We can either assign the resulting callback directly...
tabPress: makeLinkPressListener({ trackingContext, navigation })

listeners={({ navigation }) => ({
// Or call it inside an existing callback...
tabPress: (e) => {
makeLinkPressListener({ trackingContext, navigation })(e);
// ... alongside other logic



Tracking Drawers drawerItemPress listener

Drawers can be tracked in a nearly identical way.

In the following example we:

  • Wrap a Drawer.Navigator in a NavigationContext.
  • Add drawerItemPress listeners to Drawer.Screen components and track them via makeLinkPressListener.
import { NavigationContextWrapper } from "@objectiv/tracker-react-native";
import { makeLinkPressListener } from "@objectiv/plugin-react-navigation";

<NavigationContextWrapper id={'drawer'}>
{(trackingContext) => (


listeners={({ navigation }) => ({
drawerItemPress: makeLinkPressListener({ trackingContext, navigation })

listeners={({ navigation }) => ({
drawerItemPress: (e) => {
makeLinkPressListener({ trackingContext, navigation })(e);
// ... alongside other logic

