Configuring Root Locations

RootLocationContextFromURLPlugin factors a RootLocationContext based on the first slug of the URL.

While this works for a lot of websites, there are scenarios where this logic needs to be adjusted:

  • Applications running in sub-folder or subdomain
  • Applications that rely on Search Parameters
  • Applications that rely on Hashes
  • Applications not using URLs at all

Let's see how we can reconfigure RootLocationContextFromURLPlugin to cover these cases.

Reconfigure Tracker plugins

Normally a Tracker instance can be created using the following syntax:

const tracker = new ReactTracker({ 
applicationId: 'app-id',
endpoint: ''

Specifying a customized Plugin

To override the default implementation of RootLocationContextFromURLPlugin we simply provide a new instance of it.

import { RootLocationContextFromURLPlugin } from '@objectiv/plugin-root-location-context-from-url';
import { ReactTracker } from '@objectiv/tracker-react';

const tracker = new ReactTracker({
applicationId: 'app-id',
endpoint: '',
plugins: [
new RootLocationContextFromURLPlugin({
idFactoryFunction: customIdFactoryFunction

idFactoryFunction examples

We are now ready to swap the idFactoryFunction of RootLocationContextFromURLPlugin with a custom implementation. This function will be invoked before each Event is sent to generate a RootLocationContext.


These are just examples. Actual implementations should perform a lot more validation and testing.

Website running in sub-folder

Example URL:
Expected RootLocationContext id: slug2.

idFactoryFunction: () => {
const secondSlug = location.pathname.split('/')[2];

return secondSlug ? secondSlug.trim().toLowerCase() : 'home';

Website running in subdomain

Example URL:
Expected RootLocationContext id: organization.

idFactoryFunction: () => {
return'.')[0] ?? 'home';

Search Parameter based routing

Example URL:
Expected RootLocationContext id: dashboard.

idFactoryFunction: () => {
return new URLSearchParams('section') ?? 'home';

Hash based routing

Example URL:
Expected RootLocationContext id: dashboard.

idFactoryFunction: () => {
return location.hash.split('/')[1] ?? 'home';

Disabling RootLocation detection

If none of the methods above works for your specific scenario, there's always the option of disabling the plugin entirely.

const tracker = new ReactTracker({
applicationId: 'app-id',
endpoint: '',
trackRootLocationContextFromURL: false

Missing RootLocationContext will be reported as an error. All LocationStacks must contain a RootLocationContext as first Element, as defined by the open analytics taxonomy.

There are several ways to track them without RootLocationContextFromURLPlugin:

  • Wrap logical pages in RootLocationContextWrapper.
  • Enrich root Elements or Component Elements with TrackedRootLocation, e.g. a Layout Component.
  • Write your own Plugin and leverage your internal state or non-url based routing system.

And if you are unsure which to pick or how to begin, please let us know. We love a challenge.