
A GlobalContext describing the marketing channel & campaign from where the user came.

graph LR AbstractContext["AbstractContext<span class='properties'>id: string<br /></span>"] --> AbstractGlobalContext; AbstractGlobalContext --> MarketingContext["MarketingContext<span class='properties'>source: string<br />medium: string<br />campaign: string<br />term?: string<br />content?: string<br />source_platform?: string<br />creative_format?: string<br />marketing_tactic?: string<br /></span>"]; class MarketingContext diagramActive click AbstractGlobalContext "/docs/taxonomy/global-contexts" "See details" _self

Diagram: MarketingContext inheritance


sourcestringThe advertiser, site, publication, etc.
mediumstringAdvertising or marketing medium: cpc, banner, email newsletter, etc.
campaignstringCampaign name, slogan, promo code, etc.
term [optional]stringSearch keywords.
content [optional]stringTo differentiate similar content, or links within the same ad.
source_platform [optional]stringIdentifies the platform where the marketing activity was undertaken.
creative_format [optional]stringIdentifies the creative used (e.g., skyscraper, banner, etc).
marketing_tactic [optional]stringIdentifies the marketing tactic used (e.g., onboarding, retention, acquisition etc).

Inherited Properties

idstringA unique string identifier to be combined with the Context Type (_type) for Context instance uniqueness.
setting of the properties

The backend will automatically set all the properties based on the UTM parameters in the PathContext.