
A NonInteractiveEvent that is sent when a user action is successfully completed, like sending an email form.

graph LR AbstractEvent["AbstractEvent<span class='requires_context_and_properties'><span class='requires_context'>requires:<br />ApplicationContext<br /></span><span class='properties'>location_stack: LocationStack<br />global_contexts: GlobalContexts<br />id: uuid<br />time: integer<br /></span></span>"] --> NonInteractiveEvent; NonInteractiveEvent --> SuccessEvent["SuccessEvent<span class='properties'>message: string<br /></span>"]; class SuccessEvent diagramActive click AbstractEvent "/docs/taxonomy/events" "See details" _self click NonInteractiveEvent "/docs/taxonomy/reference/events/NonInteractiveEvent" "See details" _self

Diagram: SuccessEvent inheritance




messagestringSuccess message.

Inherited Properties

location_stackLocationStackThe LocationStack is an ordered list (a stack) containing a hierarchy of LocationContexts, which deterministically describes where in the UI of an application an Event took place.
global_contextsGlobalContextsGlobalContexts add global/general information about the state in which an Event happened, such as a user's identity and marketing information. They do not carry information related to where the Event originated (location), which instead is captured by the LocationStack.
iduuidUnique identifier for a specific instance of an event.
timeintegerTimestamp indicating when the event was generated.
setting of properties

The tracker will automatically set all the properties. The message is an error code or short message captured from the occurring success event. This is purely for descriptive purposes.