Tracking Interactions
Now that the Tracker is up and running we can start thinking about enriching the UX with Location Wrappers and Tracked Components.
The former are generic wrapper Components while the latter can swap the original Components with an automatically wrapped and tracked version of them. Both are built on top of our Providers.
Take a look at the Locations Introduction for more information on what Locations are and why are they so important.
Pressable and Touchable
A good rule of thumb is to start by identifying all the interactive Components in the Application and replacing them with their Tracked version.
If your Application uses React Navigation we highly recommend installing or at least checking the React Navigation Plugin.
This will automate tracking RootLocationContext, PathContext and commonly used navigators, such as Tabs and Drawers.
List of supported pressable Components
The React Native Tracker package comes with these ready-to-use Components.
All of them are wrapped in a PressableContext via PressableContextWrapper and have their onPress
automatically tracked:
- TrackedButton
- TrackedPressable
- TrackedText
- TrackedTouchableHighlight
- TrackedTouchableNativeFeedback
- TrackedTouchableOpacity
- TrackedTouchableWithoutFeedback
Usage example
Since these components have the same API of their non-tracked counterparts, using them is as easy as replacing them.
For example, let's look at this Button:
import { Button } from 'react-native';
title="Learn More"
And its tracked version:
import { TrackedButton } from '@objectiv/tracker-react-native';
title="Learn More"
The only difference between the two is that TrackedButton supports specifying a custom Context Identifier.
This is useful when:
- The Button has a title we cannot infer a valid identifier from, e.g. an emoji
- The Button has a title that is not satisfactory from a tracking point of view
In the following example we have a button showing an emoji with a custom identifier specified for its PressableContext
import { TrackedButton } from '@objectiv/tracker-react-native';
And here is another example for the second scenario, where the title of the Button is not ideal for tracking analysis:
import { TrackedButton } from '@objectiv/tracker-react-native';
title="A very long title explaining a complex story that would not result in a nice ID"
Input Change
Inputs are another type of interaction we can track. These components never track actual values, only changes.
List of supported input Components
The React Native Tracker package comes with these ready-to-use Components.
All of them are wrapped in a InputContext via InputContextWrapper and have their events automatically tracked:
Usage example
These components have the same API of their non-tracked counterparts, using them is as easy as replacing them.
Let's look at an example with a TextInput:
import { TextInput } from "react-native";
const CustomTextInput = () => {
const [text, onChangeText] = React.useState("Some Text");
return <TextInput onChangeText={onChangeText} value={text} />;
The tracked version is identical, we just swap TextInput with TrackedTextInput:
import { TrackedTextInput } from "@objectiv/tracker-react-native";
const CustomTextInput = () => {
const [text, onChangeText] = React.useState("Some Text");
return <TrackedTextInput id="custom-input" onChangeText={onChangeText} value={text} />;
Custom and Third Party Components
More complex components can be more difficult to track than the native ones. They may:
- Provide multiple callbacks for different concerns.
- Render multiple interactive elements each triggering its own events.
To track them we can use Location Wrappers in combination with Tracking Functions.
Custom components
Let's say we want to try and track a custom components that allow interacting with Images.
This component has all the props of regular Images, plus an onPress event to perform an action.
Our component may look something like this:
type PressableImageProps = ImageProps & {
onPress?: null | ((event: GestureResponderEvent) => void) | undefined;
const PressableImage = ({ onPress, ...imageProps }: PressableImageProps) => (
<Image {...imageProps} />
Here is how we can:
- Wrap this component in the appropriate Location Context
- Bind a tracking function to its onPress handler.
- Tracking Functions require a Tracking Context, which is easily retrieved from the Wrapper via render-props.
import {
} from "@objectiv/tracker-react-native";
type TrackedPressableImageProps = PressableImageProps & {
id: string,
const TrackedPressableImage = ({ id, onPress, ...imageProps }: TrackedPressableImageProps) => (
<PressableContextWrapper id={id}>
{(trackingContext) => (
onPress={(event) => {
onPress && onPress(event);
For more information, and how to avoid common pitfalls when instrumenting components with Location Wrappers and Tracking Functions, check out this Custom Components how-to guide, in which we explain the process leading to example above step-by-step.
Third Party Components
Sometimes we may want to track third party components, or components we don't have control over. A declarative approach like the one above is not always possible.
Let's try with a rather complex Component that mixes different locations and concerns: we are going to track a Layout component that can open a drawer and also draw tabs on the bottom.
Both the drawer and the tabs will contain Links, and we have two callbacks to monitor when the drawer toggles or when a Link is clicked.
{ type: 'drawer', value: 'Section A', to: '/section-a'},
{ type: 'drawer', value: 'Section B', to: '/section-b'},
{ type: 'drawer', value: 'Section C', to: '/section-c'},
{ type: 'tabs', value: 'Tab A', to: '/tab-a'},
{ type: 'tabs', value: 'Tab B', to: '/tab-b'},
{ type: 'tabs', value: 'Tab C', to: '/tab-c'}
onDrawerToggle={(isOpen) => {
onLinkPress={(link) => {
Our aim is to track the two interactions with correct Locations:
- Both the Drawer and the tabs should be wrapped in a NavigationContext
- Links should be wrapped in LinkContext
- The layout itself should be wrapped in ContentContext
Virtual Locations
We can't access the source code of the Layout component. This means we cannot just wrap the UI using Location Wrappers. While it may work for the Layout itself, it definitely would not for the Drawer, Tabs and Links.
Instead, we are going to create Virtual Location Contexts using Core Tracker APIs.
Also, we are going to generate our own custom callbacks, using Tracking Hooks, and preconfigure them with the Virtual Locations we made.
In the example we also show how Virtual Locations can be pushed into custom tracking callbacks, both when generating them via the hooks or later when invoking them.
import {
} from "@objectiv/tracker-core";
import {
} from "@objectiv/tracker-react-native";
// Create some virtual location contexts
const layoutLocation = makeContentContext({id: 'layout'});
const drawerLocation = makeNavigationContext({id: 'drawer'});
const tabsLocation = makeNavigationContext({id: 'tabs'});
// Create an event tracker for the Drawer, preconfigured with the correct locations.
const trackDrawerVisibility = useTrackVisibility({
locationStack: [
// Create another for the links. The item location will be added dynamically.
const trackLinkPress = usePressEventTracker({
locationStack: [
{ type: 'drawer', value: 'Section A', to: '/section-a'},
{ type: 'drawer', value: 'Section B', to: '/section-b'},
{ type: 'drawer', value: 'Section C', to: '/section-c'},
{ type: 'tabs', value: 'Tab A', to: '/tab-a'},
{ type: 'tabs', value: 'Tab B', to: '/tab-b'},
{ type: 'tabs', value: 'Tab C', to: '/tab-c'}
onDrawerToggle={() => {
trackDrawerVisibility({ isVisible: isOpen })
onLinkPress={(link) => {
// Here we dynamically enrich the trackLinkPress Location Stack further
locationStack: [
// First we add whether this item is in the drawer or the tabs
link.type === 'tabs' ? tabsLocation : drawerLocation,
// Then we add the item itself as LinkContext
id: makeId(link.value),
As you can see, even without being able to use Location Wrappers, we can still generate pretty complex Location Stacks.
In the next section we are going to see what Locations are used for and how to avoid Collisions.