Tagging Locations

Now that the Tracker is up and running we can start thinking about Tagging some Elements as LocationContexts using Location Taggers.

Tagging Interactive Elements

A good rule of thumb is to start by identifying all interactive Elements in the Application.


Anything that the user can interact with, but does not cause a URL change, can be considered a Button.

// a button tag 
<button [tagPressable]="{ id: 'button-1' }">Click Me!</button>

// a clickable image
<img [tagPressable]="{ id: 'button-3' }" src="/img/ok.png" alt="OK!" />

Links are interactive elements that cause, directly or indirectly, a change in the current URL.

// a link tag 
<a [tagLink]="{ id: 'link-1', href:'/somewhere' }" href="/somewhere">Go!</a>

Currently it's necessary to specify href manually. We are working on improvements to make this easier.


Elements that cause other Elements, usually their children, to be expanded and displayed to the user. Such as Accordions and collapsible Menus.

<ul [tagExpandable]="{ id: 'main-menu' }">
<li>Menu A</li>
<li>Menu Z</li>

Tracking Locations

To make modeling easier it's important to ensure all Tracked interactive Elements are uniquely identifiable.

That said, assigning a unique identifier to each Element is not always possible and most often impractical. Think of reusable components for example.

See Core Concepts - Locations for an explanation of how Sections can be tagged to make Events unique without having to assign a unique identifier to each.

An example:

<div [tagContent]="{ id: 'layout' }">
<div [tagContent]="{ id: 'homepage-hero' }">
<div [tagContent]="{ id: 'section1' }"
<a [tagLink]="{ id: 'my-link', href: '/link1'}" href="/link1">Link 1</a>
<div [tagContent]="{ id: 'section2' }"
<a [tagLink]="{ id: 'my-link', href: '/link2'}" href="/link2">Link 2</a>


When using Location Taggers, especially in generic components, it's likely to have to use dynamic data to populate the id attribute.

AngularTracker comes with a makeId PipeFilter.

In the following example a wrapper div will render multiple button elements. We make identifiers for PressableContext by piping makeId to button.text:

<div *ngFor="let button of buttons">
<button [tagPressable]="{ id: button.text | makeId }">{{ button.text }}</button>