Getting Started

Follow the step-by-step Guide below to get started with tracking on your Angular application.

We provide an extra package for Angular with a Module and a set of Directives to ease the tracking instrumentation.

Install Tracker from NPM

yarn add @objectiv/tracker-browser @objectiv/tracker-angular

# or

npm install @objectiv/tracker-browser @objectiv/tracker-angular

Configure the Tracker

The fastest way to configure a global Tracker instance is to import the ObjectivTrackerModule and call it's forRoot API.


Ideally, the tracker should be configured as early as possible. A good place is the AppModule or equivalent.

import { ObjectivTrackerModule } from '@objectiv/tracker-angular';


imports: [
applicationId: 'app-id',
endpoint: ''

export class AppModule {

Optional - Configure Taggers Directive

While not required we highly recommend configuring our ObjectivTrackerDirective as well. This will enable tagging in templates. Making it much easier to tag Locations.

How to do so varies widely depending on the architecture of the target Application. Here is just an example of a possible one-time configuration approach.

Assuming the Application has a shared module accessible to all UI templates:

import { ObjectivTrackerModule } from '@objectiv/tracker-angular';

imports: [
exports: [
export class SharedModule {

Enable logging and validation

While developing in a browser, or when running tests, it may be useful to enable more logging for debugging purposes.

To do so, simply require the Developer Tools package before creating the tracker.

import { ObjectivTrackerModule } from '@objectiv/tracker-angular';

if (process.env.NODE_ENV.startsWith('dev')) {


imports: [
applicationId: 'app-id',
endpoint: ''

export class AppModule {

The tracker instance will automatically detect their presence and log more info to the console and perform early validation.

For more details check out how-to configure logging.


The tracker should now be running and auto-tracking some Events already, such as ApplicationLoaded.

Time to start Tagging Locations!