
property objectiv

: modelhub.series.series_objectiv.ObjectivStack

Accessor for Objectiv stack data. All methods of json can also be accessed with this accessor. Same as obj

class ObjectivStack


Specialized JsonAccessor that has functions to work on SeriesJsons whose data consists of an array of objects.



Returns an array of contexts from an Objectiv stack where _type matches the UpperCamelCase context created from name e.g. if name is ‘input_value’, then this returns all contexts where the _type field has value ‘InputValueContext’.


name – The name of the context-array to retrieve, in snake_case


(type, key, dtype='string')

Returns the value of key from the first context in an Objectiv stack where _type matches type.


  • type – the _type to search for in the contexts of the stack.
  • key – the value of the key to return of the context with matching type.
  • dtype – the dtype of the series to return.


a series of type dtype