Release 0.0.14: Extended Bach date/time operations

Ivar Pruijn

We've released v0.0.14. This release adds several new pandas-like date & time operations to the Bach modeling library that provide more granular control when wrangling/exploring time-related data.

Like any Bach operation, they work on the full SQL dataset.

A few highlights of the features that we’ve added:

  • TimeDelta: Get days/seconds/microseconds/components between two time series.
  • quantile: to return values at the given quantile of numeric columns.
  • stack()/ unstack(): Reshape a DataFrame or Series having a multi-level index, pivoting its columns back and forth.
  • cut(): Bin values into discrete intervals, e.g. to segment into groups of age ranges.
  • qcut(): Bin values into equal-sized buckets based on rank or quantiles.
  • dropna(): drop rows that contain nullable values in DataFrame and Series.
  • fillna(): fill null gaps, with either a value, or ffill and bfill methods.
  • sort_by and ascending parameters for DataFrame.drop_duplicates().

An example of the new quantile support:

Modeling session duration distribution with quantiles in Bach

Modeling session duration distribution with quantiles in Bach

Other features for exploration and modeling that were added:

  • display_sql_markdown() support: to display SQL results as Markdown, making it easier to read in notebooks.
  • describe() for all values: generates descriptive statistics that summarize the shape of a dataset’s distribution, such as count, max, min, mean, and standard deviation.
  • Variable time aggregation in models in model hub.

The details

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