Introducing the Launchpad - a lightweight way to test Objectiv on your own app or website

Ivar Pruijn

Want to test Objectiv on your own app or website without worrying about the Ops part? Get a Launchpad: a free-to-use, fully managed Objectiv back-end and data store that’s ready to use for testing without any setup or configuration.

We can tell you how cool it is to see all of Objectiv’s pre-built models just run on your own raw data set without any cleaning or transformation, but some things are better experienced first-hand. Luckily, we’ve just made that a little easier.

With the introduction of the Launchpad, you can now run Objectiv on your own website or app without having to set up and manage a self-hosted Objectiv back-end & data store.


How it works

On request, Objectiv will set up your Launchpad and provide instructions on how to connect to it. You can then instrument Objectiv’s tracker to a part of your site or app to start collecting data. On average, this takes existing users a few hours.

After collecting testing data, you can take any of the example notebooks and run them on your own data set. You can also build and run your own models by using the Bach modeling library.

Designed for testing

Launchpads are purely meant for testing Objectiv and should not be used in production. However, our team would be happy to assist you in getting your testing environment to production.

Free to use

Launchpads are free to use, but limited slots are available. If you’re interested in a Launchpad, please join us on Slack and DM Ivar Pruijn.

Last but not least: your data will be stored securely in a virtual private cloud, located in EU. Data collection is for the sole purpose of enabling you to experience what you can do with Objectiv and it is not shared with anyone else.

Try Objectiv

Get Objectiv Up - Try Objectiv on your local machine (takes 5 minutes)
Objectiv on GitHub - Check out the project and star us for future reference
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